There are many factors that contribute to healthy and beautifully youthful skin, but one of the main elements is collagen. The plentiful protein supports the skin and provides structure that prevents sagging, the development of wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Unfortunately, collagen breaks down over time—and production of new collagen also slows with age. So what can you do if you want to maintain noticeable levels of vital collagen? Microneedling! Portland and Lake Oswego’s Fresh Faces Rx offers medical microneedling treatments, also known as collagen induction therapy, for patients who want to address everything from wrinkles to scars. In the right hands (such as ours!) it is more effective and requires less downtime than several popular, expensive resurfacing lasers.
The collagen induction treatment of choice at Fresh Faces Rx is SkinPen, which was the first-ever FDA-cleared microneedling device. The clinically tested and proven technology is both convenient and reliable, as well as backed by years of practical application by physicians around the country.
All of our practitioners are trained to use SkinPen in a way that causes “optimal trauma” to trigger collagen remodeling while avoiding a scar-forming inflammatory cascade. We also offer RF microneedling via Morpheus8, which adds radiofrequency energy to the treatment for further benefits. Which option would work best for you? Don’t just automatically go with the first result that pops up when you search “microneedling near me!” Reach out to our physician-led and physician-trained team to learn about the various skin rejuvenation strategies available and get started!
What is microneedling and how does it work?
Your skin has a natural ability to heal itself. You don’t even have to think about it! If you get a cut or other injury, automatic processes kick in to close the wound and restore the area to its proper function.
Microneedling makes use of these automatic processes by creating miniature channels in the skin, each of which is treated like a tiny wound in need of repair. The secret to skin improvement is in the fact that your body’s repair cells don’t make just enough collagen or simply stop when the channels are closed. Instead, they build structural protein to a degree that restores firmness, tightens laxity, and improves the appearance of the surface. In other words, all of the skin around the channels made by the microneedles also benefits!
SkinPen microneedling works in three steps:
First, the sterile needles prompt an immune response—known as inflammation—which essentially cleans out the area, enhances circulation in the treatment zone, and kicks off new tissue creation.
Second, a rebuilding process brings collagen to where it is needed, as well as encourages the proliferation of improved blood vessel networks.
Third, skin tissue with healthy amounts of collagen develops. The process also prompts the creation of elastin, which is a protein that help skin better adapt to physical changes. Good amounts of elastin allow skin to sit tightly against underlying contours, as well as “snap back” into place after being pulled out of position due to expressions and other actions.
No incisions are required, no heat is generated by SkinPen microneedling, and there are no chemicals or sutures needed.
What concerns can microneedling treat?
Since microneedling generates collagen and improves radiance, it is also an effective treatment for general skin rejuvenation, as well as smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, minimizing scars, improving the appearance of stretch marks, tightening and firming lax skin, targeting hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone, addressing sun damage, reducing the appearance of pores and redness associated with melasma, and encouraging hair growth by stimulating the scalp in combination with other treatments. SkinPen microneedling is specifically cleared to focus on two specific cosmetic issues: neck wrinkles and acne scars.
Neck Wrinkles
Most people focus on their face when addressing signs of aging, which makes sense! Our faces are highly visible and often the first thing other people see when they meet or greet us. It’s important to note, however, that the neck is also highly visible—and not that far from the face.
The truth is that signs of aging can appear on the neck as easily (or even easier) as they appear on the face. This is because neck skin has fewer oil glands, less collagen, less fat beneath the surface, and more delicate skin. All of these factors combine to make it especially easy for wrinkles, crepiness, and laxity to develop. Furthermore, the stresses of constantly looking down at your phone, tablet, laptop, or other devices can make neck lines worse—a phenomenon known as “tech neck.”
Microneedling on the neck prompts collagen generation there, which tightens the skin and makes creases and lines less noticeable.
Acne Scars
Acne is a very common skin condition, but while some people deal only with annoying blackheads or frustrating pimples, others have a more severe problem in the form of cysts and nodules. These large lumps extend deep below the surface and can leave lasting scars, which remain as reminders of past acne breakouts.
Even though the skin is good at healing itself, it is not always good at healing itself so that the end result is as aesthetically pleasing as we’d like. Some acne scars are raised, while others are small depressions or pits. This can create an uneven texture and visible irregularities on the face where acne lesions developed.
Using microneedling on acne scars essentially gives the skin a “do-over” when it comes to making repairs. First, the SkinPen microneedling device creates numerous microchannels in the scarred areas. Then, specialized cells make new collagen that creates a more even surface with less-visible texture irregularities.
What to expect
Whether you want to address signs of aging on the neck, would prefer that your acne scars are less noticeable, or simply want to enjoy a smoother, more radiant appearance, we will start you off with a personalized consultation to determine whether microneedling would be the best strategy.
The microneedling treatment itself starts with a skin cleansing, followed by the application of a topical anesthetic if desired in order to maximize comfort. Next, we apply a special gel that allows the SkinPen microneedling device to glide smoothly over the treatment area, creating microchannels with precision as it goes. By the end of a typically 30-minute microneedling session, you will have millions of microchannels—each one prompting a healing response!
Skin that has been given a microneedling treatment can appear red or inflamed for up to a few days following the session. Be sure to protect the area from sun exposure, as it is especially sensitive.
Also, keep in mind that post-microneedling skin is very ready to absorb topical products. The millions of openings allow more of the beneficial elements to make it below the surface, which can enhance their effects.
As collagen production begins, the protein will start to accumulate in treatment areas, gradually providing noticeable improvements. The visible effects of microneedling will develop over weeks and months. Keep in mind that three or more sessions, each spaced about a month apart, may be necessary in order to achieve the best results possible.