Restylane®  is a beauty-enhancing product suite of injectable fillers that boosts vitality and skin volume, reduces wrinkles and folds, and fills-in lines around the nose, mouth, and forehead. It is a temporary product that provides beauty-enhancing benefits for between six and eighteen months, depending on how strong the metabolism of the patient is. Anyone interested in a younger looking, wrinkle-free face should consider Restylane. 

How Does Restylane Act In The Body?
Restylane is a clear gel that is injected and spreads out easily beneath the skin and fills in any problem areas, visibly reducing wrinkles, crags, creases and eye-bags, as well as plumping up the eyes, forehead and cheeks. 

The product functions because of hyaluronic acid, a hydrophilic molecule that draws water to the injection sites to fill in areas and restore youthful vigor and appearances. Hyaluronic acid is found everywhere in the skin naturally, and is metabolized by the body over time.

Restylane is responsible for less swelling in the injection sites than other comparable fillers, and it is especially potent when injected in the tear troughs beneath the eyes. Restylane can be injected in any part of the body that needs a quick boost to reduce wrinkles and age lines, from the cheeks and the lips to the bags beneath the eyes, and even the hands. 

Almost immediately after injection takes place, patients can start to see results. Approximately 30 minutes is the average wait time, and the treatments can subsist within the body for as long as eighteen months.

What Is The Restylane Injection Process Like?
Getting a dermal filler injection like Restylane is a quick and relatively pain-free process. From when you consult with a trained medical professional to when the procedure is completed and you are walking out the door typically takes an hour or less. The consultation with a medical professional will involve questions about the problem areas you want to target, your goals and concerns, and discussions about any known allergies. Though the final decision is yours about which type of Restylane product to use, the well-trained staff administering the injection will recommend the best type of dermal filler for you to use given your stated goals.

The injection is administered using an ultrafine needle (sometimes called a microcannula) and the injections will be administered in very small amounts. The medical professional administering the injections will likely massage the skin around the injected location with gentle hands to smooth and spread out the Restylane effectively. They may inject multiple times to achieve the desired effect.

Because Restylane uses naturally occurring chemicals in the body to achieve this youth-enhancing effect, it is metabolized by the body and gradually (over the course of a year or longer). This is an important benefit, especially for patients who want to test out the effects of a dermal filler without committing to a more permanent option. 

Does Getting Restylane Hurt, And Are There Side Effects?
Restylane typically is fused with a small amount of pain-reducing lidocaine to reduce discomfort. While no injection is painless, the ultrafine needle and the lidocaine make it one of the least painful ways to receive a dermal filler.

The side effects of the injection tend to be mild, and include redness, bruising and tenderness around the injection site, and brief swelling. An ice pack typically clears these up, and most side effects are gone within a week. 

What are the different types of Restylane? 

Restylane Classic- The standard Restylane fills wrinkles and lines and enhances natural beauty, returning the skin to a more youthful appearance. It is also very potent when used to fill in eye-bags and when injected in the tear trough region beneath the eyes. The classic formula of Restylane contains lidocaine to numb the injection area and reduce discomfort. 

Restylane Silk- Restylane Silk is the finest version of the injectable gel, and is most often used in lips to smooth out the minute, hair-like lines around the mouth and eyes. The hyaluronic acid particles in Restylane Silk are smaller and more nimble than in other formulations of the product, allowing them to deal with subtle wrinkles and folds more effectively.

Restylane Lyft (Formerly Perlane)- This hearty filler adds volume to the cheeks, hands, and forehead. It can also be applied to the nose for a nonsurgical nose job. It sports a larger than normal particle size, making it more durable and effective over time. Like other versions of Restylane, it includes pain-numbing lidocaine.

Restylane Kysse- Approved by the Food and Drug Administration for application in and around the lips, nose, and mouth. Kysse can treat nasolabial lines and creases in the lips called smoker's lines, improve the texture and color of the lips, and smooth out the thin wrinkles that sometimes appear above the mouth.

Restylane Refyne/ Defyne- These two complementary fillers are used in areas that receive a lot of movement, like laugh lines in the cheeks and creases between mouth and chin, and they also excel at filling very deep wrinkles, creases, folds, and facial crags.

Restylane Contour- This filler is approved by the FDA to contour and augment the cheeks and the areas around the zygomatic facial bones. 

How Long Do Restylane Results Last?
Dermal fillers provide nearly instant results, and their visible effect can last between four and eighteen months, with the common average being around a year. However, it is recommended by most medical professionals to give the product at least two weeks to settle into the skin before calling to report any problems with swelling, bruising, or other side-effects.

The longevity of the injection is directly related to the metabolism of the patient and the area that recieved the injection. Areas of infrequent movement where skin is thin, like the area beneath the eye sockets tends to last longest, while fillers injected in the lips and around the cheeks are reabsorbed by the body more quickly. As a quick reference: lip injections last an average of four months, smile line and cheek injections last around six, and eye-bag hollow injections last around eight months.


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